
  • Experience the World

    Votkinsk International Film Festival

    September 23-25, 2024

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    Воткинский Международный Фильм Фестиваль

    23 ПО 25 СЕНТЯБРЯ 2024

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    Votkinsk International Film Festival

    Waiting for you at the festival!

The autonomous non-profit organization in the field of art development "Festival Plus" together with the administration of the municipality of Votkinsk will organize and hold the "Votkinsk International Film Festival" in 2018. The festival takes place in a new modern cinema hall in the House of Culture "On Kirovskaya". The "Votkinsk International Film Festival" has become a traditional cultural event and will be held annually. The festival provides a great opportunity for filmmakers from all over the world to show their work and at the same time to watch modern, high-quality, non-commercial films. The festival organizers actively support students and graduates of film schools. All participants of the festival's competitive program will receive diplomas and laurels of the official selection, and the winners will receive awards and laurels of the international standard.
We are waiting for you at our holiday.
Traditionally, the entrance for the audience is free.